The Holiday Season is moving along and lots of things are happening! The Christmas at TPAC Show was held this past Friday. Given the heart breaking tragic events at Sandy Hook School in Connecticut, we were indeed fortunate to gather as a community for this occasion.
The place was packed. Children of all ages performed....various ages of adults performed too.
When children are part of the program, lots of people come out to cheer them on. The Preschoolers are a longtime favorite of mine so thought I would share a picture of them. Not only were they so cute, they sang well too! Jim Morris did a great job as the M.C.
Tom Noonan's heartfelt presentation and rendition brought the audience to their feet! Tom was so right when he marveled at how this Island comes together to support and care for each other. It felt good sharing the evening. (fyi:A candle light vigil will be held to honor the Sandy Hook community at 6:00 pm Wednesday at the Washington Island School.
After the Show, we decided to take a drive to see some of the Christmas lights.
Manns Store and the REA can always be counted on to add a little spirit. I do like the small lighted trees perched high above Main Road!
Dave's Garage has a nice display but I could only capture a part of it.
The Danish Mill is not to be missed...just think of the goodies that are waiting inside! I saw Patty Nikolai the other day and she says the Mill will continue to be open through December 29 (except Sundays) and after a brief break will be open in Mid-January to try out a Thursday through Saturday schedule this Winter.
As Christmas approaches, decorations comtinue to be found and displayed. The funny thing is I have one taste in Christmas decor and Lew has another style...more traditional...the worst part is his appreciation of "regular" sized colored lights. He's the one who pulls out my Grandmother's ceramic I'm more of a tinsel tree type - now if I could just find the lights...I'm thinking white lights.
Planning Ahead
Okay, this photo comes not from the Island but from Polonius Sheet Music. I thought it would be a nice way to announce Winterfest, a concert sponsored by the Washington Island Music Festival, will be held at Trinity Lutheran Church on Saturday December 29 starting at 5:30 pm. Music including Mozart, Bach, and seaonal favorites will be performed in the Trinity sanctuary. A buffet supper provided by volunteers of the Music Fest will follow in the Fellowship Hall. The public is asked to purchase their tickets at the door. $15 for ages 12 and above - $5 for ages 11 and under - If a ride is needed, call Joanne Jack (847-2453).
Take a breath...
hug/cherish those dear to you...
have a great week!