What is it about Islands?
We live on one and we love to visit them. I never get tired of Islands. A month or so ago, we returned to Key West for our Winter break. It's fun to see and compare the similarities between the Island where I live year round and this one at the tip of Florida.
SignsThere are signs here...
.and there.
Trains - On the Island...
It's the Cherry Train...
and the Viking Train.
In Key West...it's the Conch Train... a final photo under the category of "Transportation" -
There are "unique, expressive" vehicles (yes, I worked real hard to come up with a positive word combo)... at Key West. Reminds me that we do like/utilize a wide variety of vehicles on Washington Island as well....but that would be anther post.
Boat Tales of Woe...Any place near the water will have stories about mishaps on the water (see August 13 post - "Respect the Weather Gods")...Key West is no different. We were walking along the Boardwalk and Lew saw this...
...a (wounded) 79 ft. Schooner boat named Hindu...according to Capt. Josh Rowan, the 1,000 pound main mast broke in two places coming back from viewing the finish of the Wrecker's Cup Race. Apparently, the main and jib sails were unfurled and they were motoring when "a piece of hardware failed". The good news? The crew and 24 passengers on this vessel made it through with no serious injuries. What a story those folks will be able to tell.
Ferries... We have one to another Island/State Park...Rock Island. In Key West, there is also a ferry... this time to a National Park... also with camping opportunities if one wishes to pack everything in...
Sunsets... a big thing in Key West. They handle the event diffferently there than on Washington Island.Everyone gathers at Mallory Square...and a lot of folks show up.
Although the show includes many street artists with a variety of acts, I think I like the intimacy of gathering around a campfire on Figenschau Bay.
I guess I have a different philosophy about sunsets. I will let you choose which ones you prefer.
Have a great week!