It's Starting...2.0

Well, it is now officially Fall...I just looked back and saw that I did a similar post last year at this time.I guess the colors are right on schedule...Bits of various colors have been observed creeping onto the Island this past week...Temperatures are dipping, light is lessening...chlorophyll is leaving, and pigments are becoming more prevalent.My walks on Lobdell Point Road are becoming more interesting...time for thinking, puzzling.We are so lucky to have a Library that is part of a huge seems any book is available.
So, it's hard to think that there are books that are/were banned or challenged. Here are a few...from our Library.

Conversely, it seems neat that we have a Literary Fest here on the Island, October 4, 5, and 6. The Island is full of writers...Here are some examples I found in our home library. Writers start school...some people chart their lives and those of their ancestors...some create poetry. (Oh...Plan ahead: Do note TPAC will be bringing back Michael Perry, Host of NPR's Tent Show Radio and author of memoirs including his newest book, "Visiting Tom" on Oct. 26.)Dick Purinton recently published his latest book: "Thordarson and Rock Island" but Lew still enjoys "Over and Back". I found this collection of High Schoolers' writings in our library as well. The book, from 1994, includes an interesting history of the then "Cheese Factory", an essay on Writer Clay Blair, and even a "Ferry Line Ballad" ...this last one produced by (now) Town Chairman, Joel Gunnlaugsson.
There are many more writers here...I think of Robert Mazibuko and his most recent book on life in South Africa during apartheid, "In Spite of All Barriers". Another new release comes from Martina Koken, "Best Air for Dandelions"...and then there's Karen Yancy's collaboration with Artist Patti Cauldwell, "Hot Sling and Other Island Poems". I could go on but suffice to say, it seems there is something about Washington Island that nourishes this type of creativity.

So true...come visit!


From Deja Vous Resale Clothing: HUGE Charity SALE this Saturday from 10-3 and Sunday 9/28/13 from1-4! All clothing and accessories are 50% off and ALL proceeds benefit WICHP! Come help one of the most important programs Washington Island has for it's residents!

@ the TPAC:


Have a great week!