Out our windows ...

 Inside more at this point...so time to admire simple things.

 Brilliant blue sky these past few days is appreciated.

 While it may not be easy to see out, perhaps this places a focus on things that just might be overlooked at another time.

Beautiful sights at Sievers School, too ...both inside and out! Sievers in Winter is a happening place!

Here's Connie Westbrook's quilt in progress at a recent Ellen Graf class. (Pat Clarke Photo)

By the way, Connie is teaching "Handwoven Bags & Totes" right now to a full class... that is, this week.

The light through those windows will come in handy when Jeanette Biederman and Rich Prange return for "Split Woven Basketry: Independent Study" Feb 11-13 Alas, this class is also full! Fellas, here is your reminder...Feb 14 is right around the corner... a gift certificate for a future class at Sievers would make a mighty fine Valentine gift!!!

No matter what your honey's textile skill or passion may be, a copy of the  2014 schedule Sievers and a gift certificate tucked into a Valentine & you are good to go.  Registration is now open for the 2014 season. On the other hand, I bet that gift certificate could also be used for a lovely item from the Sievers shop as well.


In speaking with Ann Young this afternoon I found 175 places have been reserved already for the 2014 season and the new website is working beautifully!  For more information go to the Sievers website or call Ann and the girls at 920-847-2264. (Susan Ulm took this photo out her window!)

So, while it may seem quiet here on the Island, activities continue inside and the views out our windows always have something to catch our eye. Gloria Small reports Mr. Pheasant comes to munch on her deck every day...hope Mr. Pheasant finds another interested observer as the Smalls started their annual trek this past week   and are now safely in Florida...for a while...not a bad idea...

 ...as it looks as if it will be some time before we will be enjoying picnics on Schoolhouse Beach...Christine Anderson Photo

So true...via


 Don't forget:

 Island Players will be presenting it's February edition of Center Stage at the Rec Center this coming Sunday, Feb. 9 @ 2pm.

Have a great week!

PS Many thanks to the folks at Sievers for the use of several of their photos in this week's post.