Spring...brings March Madness...as I started to put this title into the system, it popped right up...I had used it before...last year for the same week...hmmm. It was snowing then, too..when I did a little research I found we have been in this same pattern at least snow-wise...this is March on Washington Island.
The meteorologists seem scared to talk about snow lately...Seems like the key term for the weather man is "wintry mix"...yes, about 6" of heavy sticky stuff fell this past week ... possibly more next week...it is what it is.
Speaking of snow...the new Phone Directory is out and the cover photo by Amy Jorgenson memorializes our heavy duty Winter. The new Directories, a fundraiser for Washington Island School, are available for purchase at Mann's Store and Mann's Mercantile.
Snow may be confining, but...it means we get things done. Is a house ever done? So, being held captive can be helpful...
... then those pesky little "to dos" can get done.
Another place - doing a somewhat larger project - is the Danish Mill. Work started on March 24 on the kitchen remodel.
The wall is gone with expansion into the space that was formerly part of the Island Fantasy gift shop. The Mill is scheduled to reopen on April 11.
Oh, what else do we do in the Winter? Well, this awesome Melody Walsh photo will help me transition to a very special place...
Here's the reason I am posting a day early! There is another March Competition (although the Badgers making it to the Final Four is pretty cool on its own) ... this one is our chance to promote Rock Island, at least I think it is. Rock Island has made it to the Great Eight in this State Park competition for recognition of natural hidden treasures in WI.
Help the Rock move on to the next bracket, the Fantastic Four. Don't forget to vote ... everyday ...by using the link mentioned below or using this mobile-friendly link:http://woobox.com/ejizgb...do vote! It's tricky tho...click on the drop down bracket for Governor Thompson as Rock Island is hiding there...vote for Rock Island and share daily ...this round ends midnight on Tuesday April 1...Rock on! Oh, there are prizes, too! For more info and a link to the contest, click here.
Something to help us avoid the madness of a snow covered Spring...Julies Upscale Resale of Door County opens this Thursday, April 3. Hours are 10 to 4, Thursday thru Saturday til May.
The best part is you can find the shop on Facebook (very nice when one lives on an Island)...she posts daily so shop online, wherever you are...yes, they mail items!
So, for now, I guess the flowers and greens I see will remain in my "sun room"...I knew there was a reason I brought a few impatiens in last Fall!
Have a great week!