Christmas notes

December has been different this year. For one thing, green was still visible in places where normally it wouldn't be seen. 

Susan Ulm Photo

Susan Ulm Photo

It is the Winter Solstice as I write this, astronomically the first day of Winter. It is the shortest day of the year but the longest night. As I am a night person, it seems so appropriate to be working on this now.

Some night happenings remain the same here, blessedly!  The lights are up and on at Mann's Store.

The Electric Coop has been busy getting their lights up, too.

 Trees were lit at the TPAC for their Christmas show and they continue to shine brightly. Carolyn Foss and the Matching Challenge Fund Committee announced that evening that the Rec Center has reached its Challenge Fund goal. 

The TPAC is breathlessly close with about $5,000.00 left to raise. There is still time but the 31st is coming up fast! Consider sending a contribution of any amount this week to Carolyn Foss to benefit the TPAC.

I am not near an Island Phone Book to note an address here but it occurs to me that the late Maxine Engstrom of the Sunset Resort family once received a letter addressed merely to "Maxine, Washington Island." Perhaps, that might be one of those Island myths. Hmmm... 

Interesting isn't it? However, Carolyn is associated with Sievers School of Fiber Arts (986 Jackson Harbor Rd, Washington Island, WI 54246) so that might be a safer option.

I digress as there have been other happenings.

The Christmas Bird Count was held last week. Yes, amidst all that rain last week, that muck and mire, Island birders were able to note approximately 42 different birds according to Melody Walsh. Photos did not fair so well given the weather so, I am using a Susan Ulm Photo from Winter, 2013. Can't beat the red of a male cardinal around this time of year.   Naturalist Roy Lukes writes about the cardinal or has he says the "Christmas Bird" in a recent column in the Peninsula Pulse.

 Not to be out done, Lew photographed this snowy owl on Bird Count Day as our ferry pulled into Northport. I am not sure that snowy owl wanted to be found. Maybe it was just the weather.

Sweets may not be able to tempt an owl out of hiding but the Annual Bethel Builders Cookie Walk sure brought out the folks and the cookies seemed better than ever.

As I stop at the Stop Sign on Main Road I can't help but notice Robert Cornell's vintage vehicle. That color is sort of Christmasy, too. Maybe a wreath on the grill next year? 

Susan Ulm Photo

Susan Ulm Photo

Not that one has to keep up with the iconic truck at Gus' Garage in Ellison Bay but it did give me the idea. 

I have enjoyed my little bits of green lately! While the season may be cloudy this time of year is bright in other ways!

Best Wishes for a Merry Christmas!