When I chose the current title for this Blog. I researched. I questioned readers. I did my homework. This week I rechecked my work (I was a teacher in a prior career). I went back to that announcement post from April and I now realize something. I was cautious to pay tribute to the strength...the mettle of the Island and those who live here but I had left myself out of the equation. In June, I encountered a challenge when I stumbled and fractured my (writing hand) wrist. I forgot that the mettle concept can be focused on me - just me and this summer my mettle is being tested. Is it ever.
Last time I posted I remarked how the Summer was at its best. Well, it continues to hum along...just without me. Trying to figure out how to cope. I am now in "Phase Two"...a reset. What am I to take from this? Not sure, yet but I am working on it.
There are pluses and minuses ... Being dependent? ... Not so easy. Time to think? ... both a plus and a minus. There is time to process and apply ideas in new ways. Thinking about it, maybe being dependent isn't so bad. Like when out of the blue, Steve Waldron sent me several of his stunning photos of the ANC's Anniversary Party. It wasn't the same as being there but it was most thoughtful. Thank you, Steve!
There were plenty of helpful people. Here's Grace Woodruff sharing a piece of art during the distribution of the 150+ canvases.. The evening wasn't too hot. Hotel Washington outdid themselves but then so did ANC Board President Susan Vandewalle, Vice President Cathy Meader & Director Laura Waldron! Lot of folks attended...
...significant people too. That's Gloria Small on the left with ANC's first Director Patti Cauldwell and Immediate Past President Courtney Cauldwell in the middle with Ross Meader, I believe, on the right. When I saw Gloria in this photo, it made me smile and led me to another connection. When one has time to think and process, smiles and connections do happen.
Gloria enjoys her Max Mondays. That's when Grandson Max comes to hang out. One of the things Max enjoys doing is visiting the ANC's Nature Room. They spend a lot of time there and Max soaks up everything critter related. So when Max and Mom Emily happened to be there to pick up a gift for a young friend's birthday at the same moment the folks from the Door County Advocate were in the room, Reporter Samantha Hernandez really lucked out. See Max's interview here. Oh, she also did a segment with Naturalist Steve but he wasn't half as cute. We may have a Junior Naturalist in the making in young Max.
Things Nature abound on our island...even with Grown Ups. At our house, when Nature can be combined with power tools and perhaps a motor, it makes for a perfect day.
These last two photos are from Lew as the rains came in Sunday. Happy to say, he finished his project just before the torrent started. That was some storm we had, wasn't it?
til next time ...