Oh, what a day ... week ... season. Really? It's September? Where did the Summer go? I guess I could start by saying transitions can be a challenge and this Summer seemed more so for me.
The good news? My wrist cast has been removed. I am on to a on/off brace. OT starts this week.
I realize it is time to hang up the straw hats but, I would rather not. I guess I am not alone in wanting a do over. Many people want one and deserve one more than me. So, I will manage. I mean I am typing - a bit - with two hands now. It's something.
And ... I am out walking again. So, yes those changes in Nature are noticeable whether I like it or not. The seasons are starting to change. I say starting because this Island is slow to change and one needs to observe closely to see the subtleness. Walking at a slower, cautious pace I am able to see it...and adjust/transition my thinking.
I found this online recently and I have been thinking about it. While these last few months have been slower paced, it has allowed me to start to appreciate small things I took for granted. Being able to observe changes in Nature is a good example.
The colors aren't bad either if one looks. Maybe, having to watch where my feet step isn't so bad. Forcing one to live in the present moment has plusses.
I have been able to read more. Along the way I found a nifty article on the Lavender Endeavors here on Washington Island. Do look it up.
So, I am starting to switch things out and accept that those wonderful late summer sunflowers are ebbing. I am thankful though that my teaching career came to an end "several" years ago because I have been able to discover this totally different slant on this month called September. The ability to possess the present moment? I am thankful.
For those returning to the classroom, I offer the illustration above. Found it somewhere on Facebook a year or more ago. No, I will not be dancing soon but this might be a way to liven up a professional development meeting or two. Best wishes in this new school year!
...til next time.