The Island Bird Fest is just around the corner. June 3-5 will see lots of interested birders out and about on the Island. So, in that spirit, here's a variety of ideas/images I have collected centering on birds and Nature.
Just last week, this photo was posted by Alicia.* May simply be robin eggs but the color is vibrant and memorable. Reminds me of finding nests near our front door in my younger years. We would have to avoid using that door in the interim but at least there was a window in the front door to watch the comings and goings. So, time to be careful when trimming trees and bushes. There may be a nest inside.
Young ones are evident around the Island. A Sandhill Crane family was sighted just this past week.
Here's a cutie. Check out that vibrant yellow! The Nashville Warbler has been observed here this Spring.
Some big, some small... Susan Ulm has a true knack for capturing a wide range of flora and fauna. Many thanks Susan for allowing me to share your images of life happenings on Island Mettle.
Concentration and patience can earn some interesting shots. A long range lens and silence helps, too.
While birding started for me on Washington Island, I find I am noticing birds wherever I go. I found there were eagles to follow in Florida, too! In order to satisfy the public interest and still allow the family some privacy, a local real estate company arranged for eagle cams several years ago as Mom Harriet and her mate have returned to the area regularly. She had two babies this year. This little one is either E7 or E8. E7 fledged recently and E8 is recovering from a night attack by an owl which caused a fall from the nest which resulted in a broken femur.
After about a week, E8 was found on the ground near the nest by three workers from the Clinic for the Rehabilitation of Wildlife on their day off. After surgery and a course of treatment, E8 is in fair condition at the Clinic or CROW as it is known locally on Sanibel Island. The facility is very special, ministering to all types of animals in distress and does invite the public to visit.
Birding in Florida has been interesting. Our area is known for burrowing owls. These little ones are fun as they are small and found on the ground, closer to my eye level. We were able to able to tour with a woman I call the Burrowing Owl Whisperer this Winter. I learned so much!
Although we were able to find couple of groups (families?), I grappled with what we often find. Birds do not always cooperate with the photographer.
Sometimes, they cooperate.
Who knows what will be seen on Washington Island this coming weekend?!?!
It should be fun and there will probably be a few surprises!
For more information go to:
til next time ...
* On another note, Ecology Clothing in Sister Bay has opened in it's new location across from the public Marina. Have a look. Base Camp Coffee remains in the original location up the road.