As I write this, it's Earth Day. I know it's late for a post but the Earth means a lot to me. It's the weekend so let's enjoy a little of it. This first photo is of Figenschau Bay in mid-May, 2014. That edgy hint of green was so beautiful!
That green...and that green. No, this is not the Island right now but that green is coming and we must remember that.
So many shades of green out there in Nature. Hard to label, hard to conceptualize or perceive. After so much brown I would do double takes...was that really a green shoot? So fun to to come upon!
What more can I say?
With steady sun and increasing warmth, the woods change day by day. Love the smells in the woods, too.
Earth is more than the green part. Water is precious, too. Another Figenschau Bay shot from years past.
This Spring, the water seems higher at Jackson Harbor. Water is always on our minds.
And then there's the atmosphere. Sometimes it's just those clouds up there having so much fun, making us smile. really is a work of balance. One to respect. Appreciate.
It's the 100th anniversary of the National Park Service. Find a National Park near you or maybe a state park...a county park?
Enjoy your piece of Nature this weekend! Take a breath.
til next time ...