
Think canoe,kayak & preparedness!

As I look forward to warming up, I am reminded of earlier times when the water in Figenschau Bay was a little deeper as in the photo above. Canoeing & Kayaking will take center stage next month, June 14, 15, 16. The Washington Island Canoe & Kayak Event has been going on since 2009 (at least) and each year it seems new events are added.There's a Circumnavigation/Marathon Race, Harbor Races, a Guided Eco-Tour as well as expeditions to either Rock Island or across Death's Door. A Sea Kayak Symposium at several experience levels is scheduled. This is just a sampling of activities. Do go to Washington Island Canoe & Kayak Event for further information. (Photo - Susan Ulm)

Seem's right to share a vision from Photographer Anna Gibson since...her Island Style Shop is ...
 back...when I was taking a sneak peek last week, I noticed Anna had a bunch of Birds of Chicago CDs....reminds me this wonderful group will be in concert at the TPAC on Friday,  June 21... Newly arrived, a selection of wooden creations reworked this Winter as well as paintings by Island artist Cathy Meader. Island Style is open every day except Thursdays for now - 10 to 2.

We were off Island this past week and as we left, I noticed new activity at the Ferry Dock. Take a close to the's the Karfi...getting ready...schedule says she will start running on the 24th.On the way back, I saw a sign at the Northport ticket booth. Ship's Wheel at Kap's has opened...nice!Then, as we land on Sunday, I see the Cherry Train waiting at the dock! Lots going on!There is still time to make plans for the Music Fest Benefit on May 26 which is evolving a bit this year - Call Joanne Jack @ 2453. 

Another lovely from Island resident, Susan Ulm. She calls it "3 Blades & 4 Blackbirds" ...reminds me of a 1st grade Math problem! Seems to fit as Schools everywhere are coming to a close.

This Week:

•Don't forget the Band Concert @ the TPAC this Wednesday -  2:30 pm! Tom Noonan will be conducting!

•Police & Fire et al Training Event - Thursday, 7:00pm - behind the school (by the soccer field parking lot).  A joint training event which will have Lake View Road between Main Road and Airport Road closed between 5pm and 9pm. The public is encouraged to come watch, however viewer discretion is advised…Please park in the Community Center Lot.

•Here, on the Island! Members will work with our students in the morning and there will be a reading from the Company's upcoming season for the Community @ 6:30pm TPAC - 5/17.

•Also this Friday - The Islanders may have had their 1st game cancelled but the Little Leaguers Islanders II are set for their 1st game to be played at Bailey's Harbor @ 6:00pm. The "Big Guys" Islanders Team 1st Game will now be here on the Island against Institute this Sunday the 19th.

•  Lincoln at the TPAC ... this Sunday the 19th...check the TPAC notice at Mann's Store or the "Marquee" @ the TPAC for showings!  

 Have a great week!