
Thinking Time...Dredging Time...

I do like this time of year...
 to be able to have time to cogitate...

This time of year I seem to have more time to think...Fiddlers Green is also quiet Kate Kaniff was able to capture this daybreak view...and while I get to think and others get to travel, some people are working ... hard. Actually, since mid-January as weather has allowed, the Washington Island Ferry Line has been in the process of making the dock at Northport more "user friendly". Dredging at Northport has concentrated on the area at the end of the Pier. Maybe this means I won't have to back on and off the ferry as much.

But then again, the Spring Ferry Schedule will begin March 29 and other boats will be able to be used... hopefully, my "backing on" worries will be over. There are two DNR permits in place - one for Northport and one for Detroit Harbor. The push to dredge that I have noted these past several weeks could also be due to the Spring deadlines for those permits.There is good news though. I learned this past Friday from WIFL President Hoyt Purinton that the DNR has granted an extension until April 1 for Detroit Harbor, and April 15 for Northport. From what I am observing, this dredging is a long term "work in progress" which will continue into next Fall as scheduling and weather permits.

So while we puzzle as to when the Ice will leave, I am thinking Spring Break is on the scene or fast approaching for many of you folks....enjoy it! Wherever the winds take you (or not)... a break from your routine is a good thing.Allow yourself!    

Have a great week!