St. Louis



Several meanings are possible.

It could mean trimming off spent blossoms...I enjoy this job in the garden...nipping & clipping gives me a sense of accomplishment...deadheading is a part of this time.

Deadheading for us also means a quick trip...back and forth...this time to Southern Illinois. The Island is never far from our thoughts.When one is off Island...stocking up is in order...Surprise! A stop at Trader Joes turned up an Island export...nice to see this logo! 
Moving along down the road through Illinois, the land still contains some similarities to the Island...water and transportation come to mind. Here's the M/V Mississippi at Alton. At 241 ft, she is the largest diesel powered towboat to operate on the Mississippi. For more info see this article. When I saw this vessel written up, I had to a true meaning to "horsepower"...  a riverman operated this old horse-driven boat on the Missouri River. His concept of a four-horsepower boat was just that. Captain Hugh Blaske founded and operated a boat and barge building business in Alton which continues to be in business.This time our trip included a stop in St. Louis for a birthday dinner.A lovely evening w/ a lovely lady...many of you know Aunt Nell, the real reason for our quick trip from the Island..this August trip is getting to be a tradition for me to share such a special time with her.Many thanks to Vince Bommarito and his staff for providing an evening which brought back special memories for her.
Oh! What was on her "to do" list for us? Aunt Nell had decided to "gift" herself with a new computer...we were to help her walk through the process.  Sending out a Thank You to Tucker at the Galleria Apple Store...very thoughtful person.Learning by playing...solitaire! I want to be like this woman when I grow up! Hope you all have/have had/will have the opportunity to know such a person in your life!Saw this quote in a recent glad we made this trip.Happy Birthday Aunt Nell!

Other Notes...

Danish Mill - 

Hours have closing at 5:00 pm...still open at 6:30 am. 

Tuesday - Jim Morris & Friends - TPAC  - 5:00pm

Saturday - 2nd Annual Death's Door BBQ - @ the Airport! It'll be fun!

Jazz @ the TPAC!

Have a great week!