The last couple of weeks have been a blur ...
a wonderful blur...but a blur...
Fall colors continue...yes, it has been windy...
amazing how some leaves... & color! remain ...
people visit ... events are observed.
Due to that blur, I find I have missed some of the delicate pieces - the details - that make these days significant. Whether it might be observing the blacksmith devoted to his task at the Farm Museum...*
Observing a tiny piece of Nature.
These little things are important. In a way, they may help one keep perspective.
Some little things can be silly.
Who knew there is/was a Gnome in the bell tower at the Art & Nature Center... catching a butterfly no less? I guess I must have kept my nose to the ground (all Summer). Saw this little one as I was out checking out the Fall colors.
Sometimes details are not so little...
Friday was a beautiful day. Since one never knows how many days like this are left, we did what any boater would do and took off for a ride. At about 3 pm, we saw the McMullen & Pitz derrick barge assisted by the tug William C. Selvick coming into the channel at Detroit Harbor. It could be it is here to replace the Coast Guard dock.
Details - Housekeeping category - Time to clean out your closets and donate to the community clothing sale and clothing drive. In the words of Gloria Small (in a release to the Observer), "We accept clean usable clothing, shoes, boots, costumes, jewelry, and hats." Drop-offs (@ the Trinity Social Hall) will begin on Sunday, October 21. Questions? Call Gloria @ 847-2353. Volunteers are needed to sort, sell, and pack up the leftovers for donation off-Island. Proceeds fund youth activities such as the Wednesday High School Breakfasts and the Annual Habitat for Humanity work trip in June. The sale runs from Thursday, October 25 through Saturday, October 27.
Details - Shopping! Wednesday October 17
A book set on Rock & Washington Island, American Girl Stories, and a Sale... Islandtime Books and More: 9:30 am - 1:00 pm The shop celebrates the last day of the 2012 season with a guest appearance by author Kathleen Ernst whose latest mystery is set on Rock Island - In addition, Ernst has written numerous American Girls books the latest being the Caroline series. Open daily up to and including the 17 with the end season sale continuing. (Ernst will be making an appearance Tuesday evening at Women's Club to be held this month at Findlay's Holiday Inn.)
Details - Shopping - Part 2 (Planning Ahead Dept.)
The Christmas Shopping continues at the Silent Auction. It is a hidden gem of opportunity! Mark your calendars and plan to attend. Sponsored by Washington Island Preschool.
Details - Movie Dates @ the TPAC
October 10/20 The Avengers
October 10/27 The Artist
Details can be tiny or large, camoflaged or quite visible.
Wherever you are, check out the "details" around you, and have a great week!
* blacksmith photo by V. Glass
**"found nail" photo by P. DeVos