I like Facebook.
Used in an appropriate amount, Facebook can be a lot of phun...er, fun. This all started because of a phun post from Margaret Foss a week or so ago. "I see Phred...and
Phelix, the pheasants, have returned to their phall home - our pharm.
Oh, and now I see Phyllis...the phemale pheasant phriend, my phavorite"...
Doesn't take much to have a good time this phall...Playing havoc with spell check, that's for sure.Looks like the phamily also visited nearby at neighbor Melody Walsh's home. These phantastic pheasant photos were captured by Melody. Thanks to both Margaret and Melody for letting me put this together.
As the evening went on, more and more folks posted their phunky comments along the same line...I like the simplicity in this moment...observing...capturing...communicating ...
...how such a little thing could make so many of us smile. I think the ability or chance to observe simple things is one of the neat things about living here as the quiet starts to set in... Hopefully, if we can take a moment to enjoy the little things...wherever we are...Life will be better...at least, I think so.
Details...think simple...something to think about...
A sentiment from longtime Island visitor, Grace Lee Gardner.
Coming Up...
Time to sort...stow...share.
Trinity will be hosting the Annual Island Clothing Rummage Sale soon. Please bag and bring your unwanted clothing including shoes, hats, jewelry, and costumes to the Fellowship Hall starting any time after 12 noon, Sunday, October 20th.
Saturday October 26 will be busy...
Michael Perry @ 4:00pm Trueblood Performing Arts Center
The Spine Tingling Farm of Fear AND The Spooktacular Family Fun Fair.
We take Halloween seriously up here!
Have a great week!