Lots of changes going on. Autumn can be like that.
The temps and the weather shook us up a bit last week with some extreme changes. The forecast warned us that a storm was due. So it was time to grab the moment and get perhaps a last decent ride on Mockingbird.
It has been an unseasonably cool Summer with lots of commitments so a trip over to Fred & Fuzzy's was not at the top of our list ... until the day before the storm.
Lew was a bit trepidacious but with the weather radio forecast memorized and binoculars, coffee, camera, and a bottle of Gorilla Glue on board, I figured we were good to go ...and we did. It was a great day! I can only encourage folks to grab the moment when the timing seems right. Trust those instincts!
The day ended beautifully with a campfire ... we were very lucky.
That Tuesday has been added to our collection of lovely memories on Figenschau Bay.
Wednesday blew in a predicted change in the weather with huge wind gusts and more rain. Look closely in the photo above to see Rock Island Dock under all those waves...Fall has arrived. (Christopher Smith Photo) That special day meant even more to me as we have been busy with some other changes ... I have very mixed emotions right now.
We have had the Cottage and the business for about 20 years ... with many great friendships made along the way. However, the moment seemed right, to close this door. So, I will be taking a break. There are many loose ends that need attention ... a hiatus is in order... for a while!
This sunset is one of the first that appeared here over two years ago. In fact, It continues to grace the Home Page. So many folks - both friends, acquaintances, as well as complete strangers have graciously allowed me to use their images along the way. I thank you all! (Ginni Glass Photo)
The support of all you readers has been at both amazing and appreciated. I ask for your ideas as I look to reshaping this forum. The info on the Island continues to be of interest to me and given the following, people like to have a window on Life here. Living on an Island can be figurative and literal.
Found this little figure when I was "turning over" the Cottage this Summer. She has been a talisman for me sitting above the kitchen sink as I have been thinking about the Future lately. I have been using The Facebook Link to Cottage on the Bay for current Island info, to-dos, etc. ... I encourage all to find me there & take a look...updates will be posted as an interest or event arises.
So ... for now ... "Like" the Cottage on the Bay Page ... and ... keep in touch!
...til next time!