I have been doing a lot of thinking lately ... spending much time reading, researching, too. So the thought of dipping a toe into the waters of posting seems to be fun again. I am not much of a football fan, although the ads do/will lure me to the TV later today. Weather and Winter is more on my mind.
Tumbler is a regular read for me and this is what came up today. (I just love researching and am happy I am at a stage in Life where I have time to do it!) This is for friends and family in the snow zone. Typologist is the source. They highlighted a book published in 1863. One thing leads to another in their post and I have gathered two more sources ... love that!
On the Island, weather just seems to be cold...very cold. I saw 7 on the weather forecast just now. Little snow for them for a while. It looks like points South are winning the Snow Bowl today. Susan Ulm took the lovely shot above with her "dash cam" near the ferry dock about a week ago.
People come and go from the Island no matter the weather. Low Small's recent photo typifies the commute to the mainland. I like his FB comment on this, "Making ice cubes on the way to Northport."
Then there's this photo by Lorel Gordon which must be shared on a Sunday, I think. Sunsets continue to be gorgeous ... precious. This one gives one pause and permission to stop and relect a moment. Thanks for sharing, Lorel.
Throughout January, this was merely a sample of lovely images that have delighted me...tempted me. As they were posted on Facebook the urge to collect, assimilate and post tickled the brain cells. The urge to continue is there/here. Ideas are percolating and blog is/will be evolving...format? Who knows? Just thought I would let you all know I am still here.
So, send me your thoughts, your photos, and stay warm.
Til next time...
Copyright © Deborah Wuellner-Clarke 2015. All rights, imagery & content reserved.