The Winter has had its way with me. That is, last Winter did.
Do know there are great things happening on the Island in Winter, especially right now. The Ice Party this coming weekend is just part of the festivities of the Fish Derby on the Island.
This year, proceeds from the Ice Party will go toward the Weather Bug meterology installation at the School.
"It's wheels on ice time." says Photographer Susan Ulm.
Anna Gibson took this photo on a walk along the west shore. She says this drift was 3 to 4 feet over her head. Picture that. Never know what will be found around the corner on the Island.
However, things Island are happening everywhere...even far afield.
Julian and Kenny are at FitzGerald's in Berwyn with an Island Fishboil and a Fiddlers Green-style jam. (Photo by Domani Tripam)
Oh, I do digress ... it is fun to see happens as Winter presses on!
I took the leap and have chosen to spend this Winter off Island...
The ice was getting scary to me/for me. Yup, it is a little warmer here, more like Spring.
So, I will be reporting from Condo on the Canal* ... for a while. Things are interesting here, too.
Let's see where this goes.
To be continued ... next time.
* Photo by Frank Maxwell