As I started to think about a new title or theme for this blog, lots of possibilities came to mind. Being away from the Island I could look at this new adventure/concept somewhat objectively. My mind kept coming back to the strength, fortitude of the people who live there... pluck if you will.
So in using those synonyms, I searched...I Googled...Mettle came up and I liked did a small group of my supporters. It just seemed right. I find the Island is a special place. Mother Nature is a part of that.
This photo by Donna Benson shows what the weather was like over the weekend. However, the wind did work in quite nicely in one way.
Over in Jackson Harbor, this lovely image from Melody Walsh, shows that the ice has started to move out allowing the Seediver to return! This is a sure sign that the seasons are changing. It means we can hit the road soon.
I have managed Winter (Spring) on the Island enough to have great admiration for the folks who remained there this year. There is another side to this blog effort and that is it has turned into a team effort. Whereever I am, I couldn't do what I do without the ideas, material, images, and encouragement of those folks who live on the Island or just love it and visit.
It says so much for this place. There is a giving nature, an interest in others on this Island. People have been so generous and the creation of this blog is an example of how this Island can enrich and I guess it is more than just Mother Nature but her actions have a part in it.
Spring is coming on.... This painting by Andrew Wyeth was shared the other day by Laura Findlay Hagen by way of the website I Require Art. Can't wait to get back and get those windows open! I just love Wyeth.
Til next time...