thoughts along the way

Since last I posted, we have headed South. It was a rather long, circuitous route. So, that means I have been out of touch for a while. That doesn't mean the Island has left my thoughts. Travel can work that way. Being away can bring things into cle…

Since last I posted, we have headed South. It was a rather long, circuitous route. So, that means I have been out of touch for a while. That doesn't mean the Island has left my thoughts. Travel can work that way. Being away can bring things into clearer focus. 

One can have an "A-ha" moment totally out of context. Some thoughts can be rather lighthearted. Like the snap of the map above. I know there are Waldrons on the Island.  Didn't know there was a "Waldron" Indiana. Interesting. 

One can have an "A-ha" moment totally out of context. Some thoughts can be rather lighthearted. Like the snap of the map above. I know there are Waldrons on the Island.  Didn't know there was a "Waldron" Indiana. Interesting. 

We stopped for a day in Charlottesville, VA to visit Monticello, a story for another day. However, in the parking lot I found this. Hmmm...couldn't help but think of another Charlie with a home on the Island. 

We stopped for a day in Charlottesville, VA to visit Monticello, a story for another day. However, in the parking lot I found this. Hmmm...couldn't help but think of another Charlie with a home on the Island. 

A day without coffee isn't much of a day for me. The Red Cup and the Danish Mill have taught me the beauty of independent coffee houses. I use my app to plan stops ahead.

A day without coffee isn't much of a day for me. The Red Cup and the Danish Mill have taught me the beauty of independent coffee houses. I use my app to plan stops ahead.

  Sometimes, it may turn out the coffee is extra good, another time, it may be a pastry catches my eye, and if I am really lucky we strike up a conversation and learn more about the local area. Driving the back roads is a favorite thing for Lew…

  Sometimes, it may turn out the coffee is extra good, another time, it may be a pastry catches my eye, and if I am really lucky we strike up a conversation and learn more about the local area. Driving the back roads is a favorite thing for Lew and me.

 We had planned an overnight with a friend of many years in North Carolina. While not exactly on the way, she was close enough to make it work. Although it been a while since we had visited, it felt just like yesterday. Some friends are like th…

 We had planned an overnight with a friend of many years in North Carolina. While not exactly on the way, she was close enough to make it work. Although it been a while since we had visited, it felt just like yesterday. Some friends are like that.  The sign in the photo? It reminded me of the West family who have been Summer visitors to the Island forever. Their girls, Lily and Ellie are horse lovers, becoming quite accomplished, too.

Speaking of horses, we came across several of these in the town square of Ocala, FL. This was definitely horse country. The variety of art used on this livestock reminded me of the Sturgeons on the Bay event produced annually in Sturgeon Bay. We all…

Speaking of horses, we came across several of these in the town square of Ocala, FL. This was definitely horse country. The variety of art used on this livestock reminded me of the Sturgeons on the Bay event produced annually in Sturgeon Bay. We all have significant symbols that speak to our part of the country!

Speaking of symbols, I was reminded of the need for a funky/vintage Christmas tree when I found one. Of course, the more South I go, the more I find things like this. So, if one is still needed for perhaps next Christmas, just let me know. What colo…

Speaking of symbols, I was reminded of the need for a funky/vintage Christmas tree when I found one. Of course, the more South I go, the more I find things like this. So, if one is still needed for perhaps next Christmas, just let me know. What color tree speaks to you? 


 “If you can't fly then run,

if you can't run then walk,

if you can't walk then crawl,

but whatever you do,

you have to keep moving forward.” - Martin Luther King, Jr.

Sounds good to me. The week started with Martin Luther King Day which brought this across my desktop. A thought worth passing along. My best to you all in 2016. That is, the best it can be. 


til next time!