I've been thinking.

I had a birthday the other day and it started a stream of thought. 

When one leaves a habit, breaks a pattern, or let's a mind wander, a rhythm is broken. Some things can fall to the side. This posting thing is one of them.

via Facebook

via Facebook

Some days just do not have a perfect schedule or routine. Who am I kidding? Most days are like that, aren't they?  

I believe there are three times available for a new beginning: January i.e. the calendar year start...the start of the school year around September (It doesn't matter if you are in school, have children in school, or are a teacher.  We have all been there and the feeling remains.) ...lastly, one's birthday counts as a wild card, a freebie.

Things began to evolve when this quote came through my inbox.  It's true. There is never a perfect time to do something, anything. 

I found myself on a deck, thinking. How to approach this? How to break through? The deck gave me an idea. Don't overthink, just let the "small stuff" go, like sand sifting through the breaks in the wood planks. So, here I am re-entering the game, forging ahead!


Funny, no matter where I am I find ways/ideas/items that remind me of the Island. In January,  errands and appointments took me to Deerfield, IL and Lew to the Island. I was @ Barnes and Noble in the center of this Chicago suburb & guess what I found?


Nicholas Petrie's new book, The Drifter ... right by the front door! There was only one left because I  bought that other copy. 


Looking for a copy? Check the New Fiction section at B & N near you or online.   One remained upstairs that day in Deerfield. The book is also available through Amazon. It is neat that writer Nick Petrie will be a presenter at the 4th Annual Washington Island Literary Festival September 15-18 at the TPAC. Mark your calendar!

Lew Clarke Photo

Lew Clarke Photo

Lew did get to the Island and snow was there as well. I did ask him to take lots of scenic photos. He took a few beyond the ferry, not many, but a few. I think we differ on the meaning of scenic.

Lew Clarke Photo

Lew Clarke Photo

I should just be happy that the ferry was able to run on schedule. Winter can be a challenge where travel is concerned anywhere. In Winter, with only  two times a day and reservations required, a ferry run is precious. 

Denny Moutray Photo

Denny Moutray Photo

The morning Lew left, fresh snow had fallen so my hopes were high for a scenic shot. Alas, he was on a mission to get some miles under his belt. I doubt he even noticed the setting. He was probably thinking about road conditions. I hope he was. Luckily for me, photographer Denny Moutray was in the right place at the right moment!

Peder Nelsen Photo

Peder Nelsen Photo

The weather was not fit for flying last week as evidenced in this view captured in Fish Creek. Talk about having a camera ready at the perfect moment.

Yesterday was Random Acts of Kindness Day. I say this because it would be nice to see these actions happen for more than just one day, once a year. Some places are carrying it on for a week or more. Not a bad idea. So many actions on the Island speak to acts of kindness. Perhaps that is a reason people enjoy their time, their visits, returning year after year. 

Discover Wisconsin Photo

Discover Wisconsin Photo

Another reason to move along and post is to make folks aware of a long awaited upcoming program on Discover Wisconsin this weekend. "Washington Island - A Magical Place" airs on Wisconsin PBS! The DW crew scurried all over the Island last Summer. So, for an Island fix and a bit of Summer as well, tune in!  The program can also be accessed online beginning February 20 at www.discoverwisconsin.com. 

Lew Clarke Photo

Lew Clarke Photo

til next time...